
The Birth of Embracing the Mother Retreats

On my back in savasana, that final resting pose of yoga, I felt beautifully and abundantly blissed out. I had just completed an amazing weekend stay retreat where I shared time and purpose with 75 other women doing yoga, art, singing, and dancing together in the authentic and nurturing space that only women can create together. As I laid there, surrounded by other women, an undeniable inner voice spoke, “you have to share this feeling!”

At first, I was very unsure about how that could even be possible. I was (am!) the main caretaker of two children (one with special needs). I barely had time to shower, let alone run yoga retreats! But, as I began leaning into the idea of sharing space with amazing women who most definitely make up the population in most need of relaxing retreats together, I became SO excited about jumping in! So I did.

In 2016, my first yoga and meditation retreat finally came together. In a serene cabin in the mountains, a small group of women connected, painted, shared meals and deep rest. We celebrated and cried together over shared stories and the deep release that happens when women sit in circle.

It was THE PERFECT beginning to Embracing the Mother Retreats!

Now, just 3 years and 5 retreats later, I remain humbled and so thrilled by the abundance of interest in our retreats. They remain so sacred for me.

As the founder of Embracing the Mother Retreats, my simple intention is to offer nurturing retreats that really support mamas as they navigate the various seasons of life. We have had women who range in backgrounds join us and we have always been connected by our sisterhood.

We provide deeply soulful yoga and meditations classes in the backdrop of beautiful and easily accessible locations in Colorado. Our focus is on supporting the healing the mind, body and spirit by reconnecting to the heart and body. We do this through being in nature, moving together on our yoga mats, sharing stories in circle and eating nourishing organic food across from other women sharing the weekend with us.

I collaborate with other yoga, meditation and intuitive teachers to provide quality, authentic and supportive retreats that offer all women a break from everyday their life to rediscover their inner world.....

Just as I did that magical weekend just a few years ago.

Join us as we celebrate our fourth year together in this amazing adventure of retreats for women!